MGL94,Scanner scale,English w/display,Medium sapphire platter w/fixed produce rail/flange mount,US single interval/English,Digimarc w/scale sentry,English single display/single interval,CSS w/Omni mount,US brick & cord,Retail RS232 Single cable/ICL9620,NC
Out of stockMGL94,Scanner scale,English w/display,Med sapphire platter w/flixed produce rail/flange mount,US single interval/English,Enhanced processing,English dual display/single interval,None,US brick & cord,IBM Port 17 cable/Port 9(4pin)
Out of stockMGl94,Scanner scale,English w/display,Med sapphire platter w/fixed produce rail/flange mount,US single interval/English,Enhanced processing,English single display/single interval,None,US brick &Cord,IBM Port 17 cable/Port 9(4pin)
Out of stockMGl94,Scanner scale,English w/display,Med sapphire platter w/fixed produce rail/flange mount,US single interval/English,Enhanced processing,English single display/single interval,None,US brick &Cord,RS232 Single Cable, ICL9620,NCR PC
Out of stockDescription: MGL94,Scanner scale,English w/display,Med sapphire platter w/fixed produce rail/flange mount,US single interval/English,Enhanced processing,English single display/single interval,None,US brick & cord,RS232 cable/ICL9520/PC9S
Out of stockMGL94,Scanner scale,English w/display,Med sapphire platter w/flip up produce rail/shelf mount,US single interval,English,Enhanced processing,English single display,single interval,None,None,Retail USB/OEM USB,Pot 4.6m
Out of stockMGL94,English no display,Long sapphire platter w/fixed produce rail/shelf mount,US single interval/English,Enhanced processing w/scale sentry,None,None,US brick & cord,RS232 cable/PC, ICL9520, PC9S
Out of stockMGL94,Scanner scale,English no display,Long sapphire platter w/fixed produce rail/flange mount,US single interval/English,Digimarc w/scale sentry,None,CSS w/bonnet mount,US brick &cord,RS232 cable/ICL9620,NCR PC
Out of stockMGL94,Scanner scale,English no display,Long Sapphire platter w/fixed produce rail/flange mount,US single interval/English,Digimarc w/scale sentry,None,CSS w/bonnet mount,None,Retail USB cable/OEM USB,Pot 4.6m
Out of stockMGL94,Scanner scale,English no display,Long sapphire platter w/fixed produce rail/flange mount,US single interval/English,Digimarc w/scale sentry,None,None,US brick & cord,Retail USB cable/USB,Ext Pwr,15
Out of stockMGL94,Scanner scale,English no display,Long sapphire platter w/fixed produce rail/flange mount,US single interval/English,Digimarc w/scale sentry,None,None,US brick & cord,Retail USB cable/USB TYpe A,EP 15